Accelerated Schools makes every effort to ensure that students can safely travel to and from school each day. ASOP has students attending our school from throughout the entire metropolitan area, so checking current weather conditions and forecasts will drive our decision about any changes in our school schedule.

Announcements about any changes in our school schedule due to inclement weather will be posted using:

  • a pop-up box on our website,

  • an announcement bar at the top of our website,

  • our social media (Instagram and Facebook), and

  • local television stations ("Accelerated Schools" will appear on the TV screen and on the station’s website).

Student Responsibility

Students do not have the “day off.” In order to receive attendance credit for a day the school building is closed due to inclement weather, students must complete and turn in assignments for core classes: English, math, social studies and science. No assignments will be posted for elective classes.

Teacher assignments will be:

  • posted on Google classroom, or

  • emailed directly to the student, or

  • sent home with the student the day before.

Students will have the core class assignments by 10:00am on the day the school building is closed. All work assigned does not require any resources from school. Students are to complete the assignments independently at home. 

The completed work is due the next day school is in session. Failure to turn in an assignment by 9:00am the next day will result in the student being counted absent for that core class.