ASOP’s official school calendar for the 2024-2025 academic year can be viewed by clicking the School Calendar button below. This calendar shows dates for no school, early dismissal, start of quarters and semesters, awards ceremony, graduation, and more.

Upcoming dates on the official school calendar are also listed below, along with other school happenings (e.g., field trips, speakers, and special events) that are not noted on the official school calendar.

The official school calendar is a pdf file. An updated version of Adobe Acrobat Reader on your device is required to open it. You can download the Reader for free by clicking here. Once open, you can download or print the calendar.


upcoming 2025 dates to remember

14: End of 3d Quarter | No School for Students | Professional Development
17-21: No School | Spring Break
26-27: 1:00pm Early Dismissal | Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences (3:30-6:30pm)
28: No School

17: 1:00pm Early Dismissal | Professional Development

13: 1:00pm Early Dismissal | Awards Celebrations (grades 4-11)
15: 1:00pm Early Dismissal | High School Graduation
23: 1:00pm Early Dismissal | End of 4th Quarter/2nd Semester | Last Day of School