The Student-Parent Handbook can be viewed by clicking the Handbook button below. The Handbook includes information for the following:

  • School drop-off and pick-up procedures

  • Rules for student drivers

  • School hours, supplies, and lunch time

  • Agreements regarding academic performance, sexual harassment, and bullying

  • Rules for students when transportation is provided by ASOP

  • Inclement weather policy

  • Student conduct policy

  • Technology agreement

  • School attendance and truancy

  • Daily incentive program

  • Dress code agreement

  • Violations of school agreements

  • Release for photograph use

  • Homework guidelines

  • Student contract for daily class work

  • Digital daily report cards and quarter report cards.

The Handbook is a pdf file. An updated version of Adobe Acrobat Reader on your device is required to open it. You can download the Reader for free by clicking here. Once open, you can download or print the bell schedule.